本公司生产的凯球牌产品有以下类型: Types of Kaiqiu Products:
1、亚光膜 Ⅰ.Special films
    本产品规格齐全,厚度有50µm、70µm、100µm,宽度有60cm、91.5cm、100cm、120cm等。     Films has different types:50µm、70µm、100µm in thickness and 60cm,91.5cm,100cm and 120cm in width.
2、聚脂薄膜 Ⅱ.Polyester Films
    聚脂薄膜又名涤纶薄膜,规格有12µm到350µm,它具有熔点高,热稳定性好、收缩率低、透明度高等优点,主要用于制图,感光胶片基、绝缘材料、印刷包装等,应用极为广泛。       Polyester films,or Plastic films have a thickness from 12µm and 350µm. they have the advantage of high melting point, steadiness, thansparency and little shrinkage. They can be used mainly for charting,basic sensitive film,insulating material,printing, package and so on.
3、激光刀模绘图膜 Ⅲ.Films for simulation of laser operation
    激光刀模绘图膜规格有50µm、70µm品种有单面毛、双面毛、单面涂层、双面涂层等,专供刀模设计、绘图之用。它具有线条清晰、不掉笔划等优点,深受广大刀模设计用户的欢迎。     Films of this Kind have a thickness of 50µm and 70µm,which are frosted either one side or both sides and which are coated one side or both sides. They are specially made for designing and simulation of laser operation. All of them are well received.
4、激光印字膜片 Ⅳ.Films for laser printing
    激光印字机胶片(有毛膜、涂层、透明三种),经过精湛加工而成,具有字迹清晰、不掉笔划、不损坏硒鼓、保存期长等优点,适用于微机排版系统,深受广大电脑照排、出版社、报社、轻印刷网点的欢迎。本产品标准规格有A3、A4、B4、B5、8K、16K,厚度有70µm、100µm等,每箱10盒,每盒200张,亦可预定各种特殊规格的产品。     Films for laser printing have three kinds: frosted films, coated films and transparent films, which need consummate skill. They have the characteristic of clearness of words which can be kept long. They will not spoil the toner cartridges. They are good for computer composition which is used for computer photocomposition, publishing houses, newspapers and other printing houses. They have the standard specifications of A3,A4,B4,B5,8K,16K,and the thickness of 70µm,100µm. Ten packages in each box and each package contains 200 pieces. We can also produce special products according to your wish.

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